Tired Of Brexit? Exit

Whichever side of the fence you are on, it is unlikely that Brexit is panning out as you expected. The government's own much lied about risk assessments has painted a bleak picture of the future, whichever Brexit we finally get. Remainers are and always have been accused of scaremongering, it even has a name project fear. For myself the most important function ot the EU has been peace, after all peace was the point, by trading with each other we could spread our wealth, create more wealth and...

Fires in Portugal

            Fires in Castanheira de Pera, Pedrógão Grande and Figueiró dos Vinhos. On the 17th of June a fire started in Pedrogao Grande and spread quickly to cover a vast area. It is still under investigation but it probably started with dry lightning, followed by a small tornado and high winds. It then spread over to the Coimbra area, in Gois. I am Malin and I live in this area, I am part of the estate agency team at P.P.Property and have been working in...